Our Mission
Our Mission:
Equip People for service, as we Serve
Adore God, and Worship
Grow in Christ, while Grow
Loving one another, and Connect
Effectively reaching our world Go
Our Mission:
Equip People for service, as we Serve
Adore God, and Worship
Grow in Christ, while Grow
Loving one another, and Connect
Effectively reaching our world Go
The first Sunday of each month is designated as MISSIONS SUNDAY to recognize the missionaries and ministries the church supports. All offerings given to the church’s mission fund are sent directly to the missionaries and ministries monthly.
Join the prayer group on Monday evenings in the Worship Center. The door opens at 5:30. Please come in quietly and find a seat. Be prayerful as you come and go. Contact Terri Elsfelder if you have any questions.
The Good News Club starts February 10. The team will go to Daniel Wertz and West Terrace schools.
Eagles’s View partners with Child Evangelism Fellowship to conduct the Good News Club. God is so good! As we mentioned previously, our Good News “Mission” in the schools is growing. We praise the Lord for so many doors opening up for us to be able to go in and share. We want to thank each and every one of you who have shared interest and who want to be a part in some way. We all have many gifts and talents and every area counts and makes a difference. It’s what makes “The Body Whole”. Again, we are grateful and appreciate your support.
If you haven’t already and you want to support or participate in this mission effort you can:
. Pray! Pray! Pray! Remember the school administrators, the students and their families, Child Evangelism Fellowship, our Good News Club teams, and our finances.
.Donate money towards supplies and refreshments needed weekly for each school. If you provide an offering, please indicate that it is for Good News Club.
.Join our Good News Club team. As our mission field grows, we need you on our team! If you want to join us in the schools, please talk with Pastor Sherry.
As always, we are grateful for all you do and appreciate your support.
Our Youth group routinely meets on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. If you would like more information, speak with Colton Bottomley.
PowerClub Kids is an in-depth discipleship curriculum for our kids. It was created by Becky Fischer, founder and director of Kids of Ministry International, the School of Supernatural Children’s Ministry, author, speaker, and publisher. The purpose is to equip our little saints in their faith. The club will meet on Friday nights from 5:30 - 7:00 pm starting Friday, February 21st. This session is about God’s Supernatural Kingdom. The focus is to teach kids to walk in the supernatural power of God and learn to overcome the Kingdom of Darkness through God’s superpowers called “Gifts of the Spirit!”
Evelyn Drummond will facilitate a Seder meal service on Palm Sunday, April 13. Having this meal together as a church family is a wonderful way to prepare for Resurrection Sunday and learn through experience what the Seder represents. Let us know if you plan to come. Please join us!
A fundraiser is being planned for Youth Camp. Mark your calendar for May 18. There will be a silent auction again this year plus a car show. Details are being finalized. Contact Colton Bottomley or Sophia Schroeder for details.
A Church work day is Saturday, April 5 and April 12 from 8:00 am until noon. Your help is needed to prepare the grounds for Resurrection Sunday.
Reducing the Risk training will be Thursday, March 20 at 5:30 pm. This training is for all current teachers and anyone interested in working with the children and/or youth at Eagle’s View Church.
The annual evening service begins at 5:00 pm.
The children will present their program during the morning service.
The Perry Township Volunteer Fire Fighters appreciation dinner is scheduled for Sunday, December 1. EVC hosts this banquet as a way to give back to the community. Firefighters that attended previous banquets have expressed their sincere gratitude. We will need volunteers for set-up, serving, and clean-up. We will also need volunteers to provide desserts. Sign-up sheets are posted on the wall in the entry.
The Evansville Rescue Mission is planning for their 103rd annual Gobbler Gathering. They anticipate assisting more than 2,000 Tri-State families at the gathering. Those families will be able to hear the gospel message of Jesus and take home a full Thanksgiving food box. This is possible through your contributions and the assistance of more than 1,000 volunteers.
Once again, we are collecting boxes of cake mix to donate for the gathering. If you want to support the Rescue Mission in this way, please drop off cake mix boxes at our cafe counter beginning October 13 and ending November 10.
The Fall Festival is just around the corner. Sign up sheets are posted in the foyer. Everyone is needed to make this week happen. All volunteers are appreciated. The funds that are raised support the children’s program all year. Thank you for supporting us again. Your labor of love is appreciated very much.
FYI - Several national prayer leaders are jointly convening a Healing Summit that will be streamed live on August 30 from 6-8:30 pm. The purpose of this Summit is to being people together to pray for an outpouring of healings, miracles, signs, and wonders around the world. Prayer leaders include Tim Sheets, Dutch Sheets, Clay Nash, Greg Hood, Pat McManus, Ken Malone, and Oasis Worship.
Our prayer team plans to watch the live stream together at 6:00 pm at the church. If you’re interested, you’re absolutely welcome to join them. There are 260 host churches in the U.S. and 9 in other nations. People that pray in agreement multiply our prayer power! Here is the link to view the Summit from home
Please use caution as you enter and exit the church property. There are multiple projects underway as part of the INDOT project to revamp the intersection at Boehne Camp Road and the Expressway. During the week, access to the driveway coming from Hogue may be blocked. Access to Boehne from the Expressway should however be open. Come through the open barriers.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, June 30, 6:00 pm to celebrate our nations’s freedom with Food, Fellowship, and Fireworks. Remember to bring your lawn chairs and any outdoor games. Bring a couple of side dishes (veg or salad or dessert). Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided. Homemade ice cream will be provided. Sign up sheets for volunteers to grill hot dogs and hamburgers, and to make homemade ice cream are in the entry way. A donation bucket is available on the table in the back of the sanctuary for donations towards the cost of the fireworks.
Join Mike Sander as he leads a new adult class in the Kid’s Building on Sunday mornings at 9:00.
We are starting a journey into God’s Word, the Bible. Over the next 10 weeks, we will be looking at what the Bible is, where it came from, who wrote it, why we trust it, and how God intends to use it in our lives.
Next Sunday is Mother’s Day and a morning reception to honor moms will be hosted from 9:30-10:00 in the Kid’s church. There will be coffee, pastries, and fruit provided upstairs. The kids will join the adults in the morning service at 10:00 am.
Please contact Pastor Sherry if you are graduating high school student this year! Grads will be recognized during Sunday service, June 9.
Two Men and A Truck moving company partners with local businesses to collect essential care items for mothers and children in need at Albion Fellows Bacon Center. This is their 17th annual campaign! There is a donation box in the cafe. It displays a wish list of items needed such as toiletries and laundry supplies. May 5 is the last day to donate items. The box will be picked up on May 10 just in time to deliver for Mother’s Day!
Kid’s Camp is coming soon for kids 7-12 years old. Mark your calendar for June 24-27. This year’s camp will be at Santa Claus Campground. It was decided to use this facility again since it was so nice to be there last year. Registration is $135 per camper. Online registration is available at the following link or use the QR code in the church bulletin. Paper registrations will also be available.
Mark your calendars for Friday, March 22 at 6:00 pm. A special service is planned to kick-off preparation for Resurrection Sunday. The kids will participate in the Holy Week Journey with a special message, activities, and a glow-in-the-dark hunt!
Kids from the Good News Club will be invited and we encourage EVC kids to invite their friends. The purpose is to bring an awareness of what Jesus experienced during the Holy Week and to bring all the children and their families together.
Volunteers are needed to donate crockpot soup and/or other easy meals for Wednesday youth gatherings. If you can provide a meal, please contact Colton or Pastor Sherry
We are updating the Church Directory Records. Please take a minute to fill out the insert in the church bulletin with your contact information and leave it on the table in the cafe area.
Looking for a volunteer(s) willing to keep the church sign on our property updated. Contact Pastor Mike is interested.
The Indiana A/G Women’s Southwest Regional Encounter is Saturday, April 27 (10 am -3 pm) at Evansville Oak Hill Church. The theme is about Queen Esther, “For Such A Time As This”. Online registration is $50. (wms. indianaag.org/events). Walk in registration is $60. Lunch will be provided. A sign-up sheet is provided in the Welcome Center if you need assistance with registration.
If you need assistance, contact Elizabeth Harmon.
Build your confidence to pray for the sick. Learn biblical truths that will equip you and remove the fear of praying for others. More details to come.
This year our Harvest Celebration will be after the service on Sunday, October 29.
Plan to stay for a potluck meal. Fried chicken will be provided. Please bring a side dish (vegetable or salad).
The children had an idea to paint what the Harvest means to them. So, an Art Expo is being planned to display their artwork for you to enjoy. You don’t want to miss it!
Making potato candy Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. This is our Annual, One Day get together to make our “Famous Potato Candy” for our booth at the Fall Festival. this is the only day that we will be making the candy, because we try to make enough for the whole week. It’s great fellowship, and it goes by fast with many hands. (It usually takes 4 to 5 hrs.). If you are able to help with this “Sweet Event” a sign-up sheet is in the foyer.
Kid’s camp is June 26 - 29 Meet at the church at 10:45 am. Lunch (sandwich, chips, and drink) will be provided at 11:00. We will depart of camp after lunch. The kids will return on Thursday between 10:30 and 11:00 am. Please be available to pick up your kids by 10:30.
Pastor Mike is leading a 5-week DVD series, to equip us to pray for healing. “Operating in Healing and Miracles”. This series by Chris Gore and Chuck Parry is for those who want to see continued breakthrough into the miraculous in every area of life, whether in the church, on the streets, in business, or any realm. Join us for the next session on Wednesday at 6:00 pm in the Kid’s Building.
We’ve been cleaning, reorganizing, repairing, and updating the Kid’s building. Donations to support this effort are appreciated. Installing new carpet is one of our goals. Please mark donations as “Building Fund”.
Youth Camp 2023 will be in Hartford City, Indiana. The cost per student is $285.
If you carry a fireman on our church grounds, please let one of our leaders know (Jane Ehninger, Allan Knowlden, Diana Flanigan, or Larry Rogers). Thank You
No service on Christmas morning. Enjoy Christmas with your family.
Youth Infusion is a new ministry organized by Southern Indiana AG churches to reach our youth for revival. They plan to meet once a month at participating area AG churches.
Please pray that the youth would have God encounters and they would be saved, filled with Holy Spirit, and healed of any afflictions.
GOT QUESTIONS? The youth are discussing difficult theological questions to combat the lies of the current culture which blur truth and twist God’s word. If you think of questions, feel free to drop them in the box at the Welcome Center table.
Donations given for youth outreach activities are appreciated. They will be applied against the cost associated with those activities. Mark your giving for the Youth fund.
On Sunday mornings at 10 am the children have chosen to dig into 1st and 2nd Samuel. So many great lessons to learn from the Prophet Samuel.